Helmholtz Netzwerk - corona diaries #5
Dear participants and alumni of the Helmholtz Leadership Academy,
the first of you and us have returned to their places of work, contact and mobility restrictions continue to be reduced - and for many, going on vacation during summer break seems possible again - and maybe already in reach.
Our #corona diaries thus come to an end - for now - and we return to our established format, the Helmholtz-Netzwerk newsletter.
Helmholtz-Akademie online: „Wirksame Führung in unsicheren Zeiten“
However, the corona crisis is by no means over and uncertainty remains - with regard to the virus, but also with regard to the economic and social consequences: What do we have to prepare for in the medium term? What might change in the long term - for us as a society, as citizens, but also as employees and as leaders?
Against this background, we would like to continue providing you with an online platform to exchange ideas with other Academy participants and alumni, and gain new insights on topical leadership issues.
The focus of the new online format will be on interpersonal leadership. What changes due to increased workforce mobility and flexibility? What remains? What do leaders have to focus on when working with remote or mixed teams? Each topic consists of two 60-minute online sessions. Topics with title and description in German will be held in German, topics with English information are held in English. Registration is required.
Registration and participation
With the exception of the first topic, for which registration is open now, each topic will be announced via the Helmholtz-Netzwerk newsletter about two weeks before the event. A registration is possible only during that time and for the advertised topic.
Approximately two days before the first session, you will receive the invitation link for both zoom meetings. If a topic is fully booked, we will inform you directly.
Participation is limited to 18 persons. Please register only, if you can attend both sessions. Thank you.
Dates and Topics
- Onboarding neuer Mitarbeiter*innen
2. und 7. Juli, jeweils 14:00 – 15:00 h
Was ist gerade in unsicheren Zeiten wichtig? Was gilt es beim digitalen Onboarding zu beachten? Hilfreiche Tipps, Tools und Checklisten
Register now at netzwerk(a)helmholtz.de!
- Building New Teams Remotely
August 6 and 11, 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.
How do you build up a new team remotely? How do you foster a strong team spirit? How do you provide guidance and orientation in times of uncertainty?
- Vertrauen und Verantwortung
3. und 8. September, jeweils 14:00 – 15:00 h
Wie entsteht Vertrauen? Wie kann Verantwortung transparent und gerecht verteilt werden? Wie gelingt Transparenz für alle, auch im Home Office?
- Produktiver Umgang mit Unterschiedlichkeit im Team
1. und 6. Oktober, jeweils 14:00 – 15:00 h
Was macht high performing Teams aus? Wie entsteht Energie aus Unterschieden? Wie erkenne und überwinde ich eigene Vorurteile?
- Schwierige Gespräche führen
5. und 10. November, jeweils 14:00 – 15:00 h
Wichtige Grundlagen, Tipps und Handreichungen für schwierige Gespräche mit Mitarbeitenden, Peers und der eigenen Führungskraft.
- Learning and Networking In-Person and Remotely
December 3 and 8, 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.
How do you build and maintain a viable network? How do you learn from and connect with peers? How do personal and remote relationships differ?
If you have any further questions, please contact Irena Wiederspohn, Manager Talent Networks, at netzwerk(a)helmholtz.de.
With best regards, and please stay safe and healthy,
Your Academy Team: Korinna Strobel, Esther Strätz, Mandy Ritsche, Julia Eberhardt and Irena Wiederspohn