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Helmholtz Network Newsletter 03|2021

Dear readers,

in the following we would like to inform you about upcoming dates and news from the Helmholtz Network and Helmholtz Headquarters in Berlin. 
We wish you a relaxing summer - and look forward to seeing at least some of you in the fall, not only digitally but also in person!

With best regards
Your Talent Management Team at the Helmholtz Association Head Office in Berlin
Korinna Strobel, Johannes Freudenreich, Mandy Ritsche, Esther Strätz und Irena Wiederspohn

1. Helmholtz Leadership Academy: Return to Liebenberg in August

We are very pleased to announce that we plan to resume in-person operations in Liebenberg in August. However, we will continue to closely monitor the overall situation and may have to change plans again at short-notice. Therefore, decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis for the time being and we will be in contact with each group individually to inform them regarding the format and set-up for their camp. Thank you for your understanding!

If you have any questions, please contact Esther Strätz, Head of the Helmholtz Academy, or Mandy Ritsche, Coordinator Academy & Mentoring, at akademie@helmholtz.de.

2. #virtual leadership lab 2021: “Inclusive Leadership: Leading Research into the Future – Together”

Thank you to everyone who took part in this year’s Leadership Lab for the lively and insightful discussions! We already look forward to seeing you again in 2022 and ask you to mark your calendars for next year’s event, scheduled for June 30, 2022. Thank you!

And for those of you who were unable to join our expert forums on inclusive leadership and unconscious bias: We will revisit these topics in fall as part of our "Helmholtz Academy online" program, so stay tuned.

If you have any questions, please contact Irena Wiederspohn, Manager Talent Networks, at +49 30 206 329-19 or netzwerk@helmholtz.de

3. Spread the word: Helmholtz Distinguished Professorship - Call 2021

Together with its funding bodies, the Helmholtz Association continues its initiative to recruit leading international female scientists from abroad. This year's call for applications to the "Helmholtz Distinguished Professorship Program” was published on May 17. Deadline for applications is October 1.
Please note: Applications can only be submitted via a Helmholtz Center’s Board of Directors.

If you have any questions, please contact Daniel Riesenberg, Manager Strategy and Organizational Development, at +49 30 206 329-43 or daniel.riesenberg@helmholtz.de.

4. Helmholtz awards doctoral prize to six young talents

From the spread of tumor cells through the body to the exploration of extraterrestrial planets and moons to data mining: Learn more about this year’s awardees of the annual “Helmholtz Doctoral Prize”, which honors academic achievements and serves as an incentive to remain in academia.

5. Rising Star: Helmholtz takes 2nd place in Nature Index 2021

The Helmholtz Association came in second among the world’s fastest-rising institutions in this year’s Nature Index science ranking. The ranking compares the number of scientific publications from more than 10,000 leading international research institutions and Helmholtz was able to increase the number of its publications by 14.3 percent compared to the previous year.

6. You’ve got News?

You have recently changed jobs, received an award for your work – or are planning an event that might be of interest to other people in the network? Then please let us know! 

If you send us a short paragraph about your achievement or news and preferably also a recent picture of you (including copyright info), we will include it in the next Network Newsletter!
Please send your contribution to netzwerk(a)helmholtz.de. Thank you.


Kerstin Krellenberg - Transfer to the University of Vienna

Kerstin Krellenberg (long-time research associate at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig) joined the University of Vienna as a professor in October 2020. At the Institute of Geography and Regional Research, she has taken on the new Univ. Prof. for Urban Studies. With her research group, she conducts research on human-environment-technology interactions in cities and develops solution and action knowledge for urban sustainability transformations.

Martin Mittelbach - Administrative Director at the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung 

Martin Mittelbach has taken over the position of Administrative Director at the Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung as of April 2021. Previously, Mittelbach, who holds a doctorate in law, worked as Head of Administration and Change Manager at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Click here for the press release.

Felix Wolf - Dean at TU Darmstadt

After three years as Associate Dean of the Department of Computer Science, Felix Wolf was elected Dean of the Department of Computer Science at Darmstadt University of Technology, effective April 2021. He studied and earned his doctorate in Aachen and from 2009 held a W3 professorship at the German Research School for Simulation Sciences at Forschungszentrum Jülich in association with RWTH Aachen University. In 2015, Wolf moved to TU Darmstadt, where he holds a professorship for Parallel Programming.