Production and Analysis Evolution For Lattice Related Barrel Elements Under Operations With Advanced Robustness
Activity Code: AAT.2013.8-1
Project Reference: 605448
Coordinator:Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
The PoLaRBEAR (Production and Analysis Evolution For Lattice Related Barrel Elements Under Operations With Advanced Robustness) project focuses on reliable novel composite aircraft structures based on geodesic technology aiming at a significant higher Robustness and Technology Readiness Level (TRL).
While the global structural behavior of composite geodesic structures is investigated and understood in a top-down approach in EU-ALaSCA, PoLaRBEAR will follow up in a bottom-up approach on local level analyzing the geodesic structures in terms of in-operation demands for higher TRL.
The main objectives of this research proposal are:
• Industrial highly automated process for cost efficient barrel manufacturing
• Advanced reliability of geodesic structures under operational loads
• Design rules for robust grid structures
The aim is to promote a competent cooperation in the development of light, low-cost airframe fuselage structures made with a new generation of composite materials and based on geodesic / iso-grid technologies under operations.
The proposal will enhance the cooperation in research and in innovation between the European Union and the Russian Federation in the field of civil transport aircraft.
- Federal state unitary enterprise the central aerohydrodynamic institute, Russia
- Central research institute for special machine building, Russia
- Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
- NIK-Samara OOO, Russia
- University of Leeds, United Kingdom
- SMR engineering & development SA, Switzerland
- Airbus operations GmbH, Germany
- Moscow institute of physics and technology, Russia
- MSC Software GmbH, Germany
- Federal state unitary enterprise all-Russian scientific-research institute of aviation materials, Russia
- Mendeleyev University of chemical technology of Russia, Russia
- Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom