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Helmholtz Network Newsletter 07|2020

Dear readers,

In the following we would like to inform you about upcoming dates and news from the Helmholtz Network and Helmholtz Headquarters in Berlin.

In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the upcoming Helmholtz General Assembly, which this year will not take place in Berlin, but in the form of an online event.

With best regards,
Your Talent Management Team
Korinna Strobel, Julia Eberhardt, Johannes Freudenreich, Mandy Ritsche, Esther Strätz und Irena Wiederspohn


1. Helmholtz Leadership Academy online: "Effective Leadership in Uncertain Times"

The next instalment of our online format "Effective Leadership in Uncertain Times" will take place in September, this time with a focus on "Trust and Responsibility". Please note: This instalment takes place in German.

Vertrauen und Verantwortung
3. und 8. September, jeweils 14:00 – 15:00 h
Wie entsteht Vertrauen? Wie kann Verantwortung klar und gerecht verteilt und damit die*der einzelne entlastet werden? Wie gelingt Transparenz für alle, auch im Home Office?

Participation is limited to 18 people. Please register only, if you can attend both sessions. Thank you. To prepare for the two sessions, you should plan about 60 minutes.
Register now at netzwerk@helmholtz.de!

Approximately 1 week before the first session, you will receive further information on the planned sessions. Approx. 2 days before the first session, you will receive the invitation link for both zoom meetings. If a topic is fully booked, we will inform you directly.

If you have any questions, please contact Irena Wiederspohn, Manager Talent Networks, at netzwerk@helmholtz.de

2. Funding for Joint Research Projects “The Coronavirus Pandemic: Insight, Coping, and Prevention”

The corona pandemic confronts our society with major challenges and questions that go far beyond the healthcare sector. The Helmholtz Association with its engagement in diverse research fields, is called upon to develop new synergetic approaches for understanding, coping with, and preventing pandemics and their numerous implications. 

In order to address this complex topic area, the Helmholtz Association aims to fund up to three research consortia, with a maximum of € 6 million each, as part of a pilot project for campaign-like pioneer projects.

Here you can find further information about the call.
If you have any questions, please contact Andreas Schulze, Manager Strategy / Initiative and Networking Fund at andreas.schulze@helmholtz.de.

3.  Save the date: Helmholtz General Assembly 2020: October 12, 2:00 pm

Due to current circumstances, the annual General Assembly of the Helmholtz Association will not be held in Berlin this year, but in an exclusive online streaming format. What remains unchanged, however, are the exciting discussions with outstanding Helmholtz scientists on topics of current interest to us and society more broadly.

Please mark your calendar: Helmholtz General Assembly, October 12, 2020. Official invitations and registration link will follow in September.

4. Personalia

Regina Fluhrer

Since April 2019, Regina Fluhrer holds the chair of biochemistry and molecular biology at the newly founded medical faculty of the University of Augsburg.

Bettina Hörstrup

As of this August, Bettina Hörstrup holds the position of Administrative Director at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, a Leibniz Centre. A lawyer by training, she previously held the position of Head of Human Resources and deputy of the Administrative Board at Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum. Hörstrup is an alumna of the Helmholtz Leadership Academy and an active member of the academy’s focus group.

Go here to find out more.

Frank Scholze

Frank Scholze, born in 1968, studied librarianship, art history and English studies. Since 2010 he was director of the library of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. In April 2019, the Board of Directors of the German National Library proposed to the Federal President the appointment of Frank Scholze as Director General of the German National Library. Frank Scholze took up his office on January 1, 2020, with the vision of further developing the German National Library as a "cultural memory of the past and of future″.

Ute Wilhelmsen

Ute Wilhelmsen now heads the core function Transfer in the German Alliance for Marine Research (DAM), whose members include the Helmholtz Centers AWI, HZG and GEOMAR.
Within the field of knowledge transfer, her focus is on the exchange of knowledge with stakeholders, dialogue with society and capacity development.

DAM aims to address the major future issues in marine research through joint action and to provide knowledge for sustainable management of the oceans.  To this end, DAM supports and strengthens the transfer of topics, research questions and results to politics, business and society.

5. You’ve got News?

You have recently changed jobs, received an award for your work – or are planning an event that might be of interest to other people in the network? Then please let us know!

If you send us a short paragraph about your achievement or news and preferably also a recent picture of you (including copyright info), we will include it in the next Network Newsletter!

Please send your contribution to netzwerk(at)helmholtz.de. Thank you.