Preparatory activities for the implementation of the European X-ray free-electron laser facility
Activity Code: INFRA-2007-2.2-01.24
Coordinator:Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
The objectives of the Preparatory Phase of the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility are:
a.) to provide the technical, legal and financial documents which are necessary for the foundation of this new research infrastructure in Europe.
b.) to advance as far as possible in the specification, research and development, prototyping and industrialization of buildings, technical infrastructure, technical components, in order to start the construction phase with maximum probability to conclude it successfully on time and budget.
c.) to mobilize the potential users community, which is multidisciplinary and possibly composed by scientists experienced with synchrotron light sources, with ultra-fast lasers, and ultra-fast electron diffraction.
As far as the objectives:
a.) are concerned, the Technical Design Report is completed, and nearly final drafts of the Convention and of the Articles of Association are available. Still missing are the basic contractual framework to regulate in-kind contributions from participating countries, and the framework contract regulating the relationship between the new international facility and the host laboratory (DESY), which are among the deliverables of the present proposal (Work Packages 4 and 5).
Project Details:
Start Date: 01.07.2007
End Date: 30.06.2011
EU Contribution: 5 Mio. Euro
Total Costs: 7.21 Mio. Euro
Funding Scheme: Capacities specific programme / Research Infrastructures
Administrative Contact Person: Ute Krell,
Project Website:
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Germany
- Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, France
- Consorcio para la construccion, equipamiento y explotacion del laboratorio de luz de sincroton, Spain
- Instytut Problemów J?drowych im.Andrzeja So?tana - Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Power, Poland
- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain
- Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy
- Stockholms Universitet, Sweden
- Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave, Slovakia
- Kobenhavns Universitet, Denmark
- Szilardtestfizikai es Optikai Kutatointezete - Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, Hungary
- Institut Teoreticheskoi i Esperime Ntalnoi Fiziki Itep, Russian Federation
- Vetenskapsradet - Swedish Research Council, Sweden
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
- Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom
- Univerzita Palva Jozefa Safarika Vkosiciach, Slovakia
- Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
- Sincrotrone Trieste SCPA, Italy
- Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Germany