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Facilitating the bi-regional EU-ASEAN science and technology dialog

Activity Code: INCO-2007-1.6
Coordinator: International Bureau of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR)


SEA-EU-NET will increase the quality, quantity, profile and impact of the bi-regional S&T cooperation between SEA countries of ASEAN and MS and AS of EU. S&T, essential for a strong knowledge-based economy, underpins policies necessary for governance, and contributes to cohesive social visions and models. S&T excellence also requires global connectivity and an ongoing dialogue.

This proposal supports the internationalisation policy of EU and objectives of FP7 of EU. It contributes to S&T foundation essential to the EU s political, economic and social objectives. There is great potential in strengthening the participation of SEA in FP7 and for a conjoint European involvement in SEA S&T. Constraining factors include insufficient awareness of opportunities, inadequate connections amongst researchers, establishing partnerships, complexity of S&T programs, and the asynchronous funding systems.

Project Details:

Start Date: 01.01.2008
End Date: 31.12.2011
EU Contribution: 2.9 Mio. Euro
Total Costs: 3.36 Mio. Euro
Funding Scheme: Coordination (or networking) actions
Coordinator: Christoph Elineau, christoph.elineau@dlr.de
Project Website:


  • International Bureau of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
  • Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement, France
  • Centre for Social Innovation, Austria
  • Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, France
  • Collegium Budapest, Hungary
  • European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, Belgium
  • German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Germany
  • Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia
  • Ministry of State for Research and Technology, Indonesia
  • National Centre for Scientific and Technological Information, Vietnam
  • National Metrology Laboratory SIRIM Berhad, Malaysia
  • National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand
  • Noviscape Consulting Group, Thailand
  • Polska Akademia Nauk, Poland
  • The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Netherlands
  • The Royal Society, United Kingdom
  • The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey-UME, Turkey
  • Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia