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Helmholtz Juniors

Strong representation of interests: Helmholtz doctoral students network in the Helmholtz Juniors initiative. It advocates for fair working conditions and a wide range of opportunities for continuing education.

Helmholtz Juniors Mid Term Meeting in Berlin, May 2024

Within the community, the Helmholtz Juniors represent the interests of around 8000 doctoral researchers. The doctoral candidates of the individual centers decide on the composition of the committee: They elect their representatives annually. Each Research Center sends at least two members.


N2 Network

The Helmholtz Juniors intensively exchange information with doctoral candidates from other non-university research institutions: In the N2 (Network of Networks) they cooperate with the Max Planck PhDnet and the Leibniz PhD Network. Together, the representatives debate topics such as the appropriate design of working conditions, the physical and mental health of PhD students, and career prospects.

Annual meetings

The Helmholtz Juniors meet annually to discuss the situation of doctoral researchers at the individual centers. They also examine how successful initiatives of individual centers can be extended to the entire community.

Working groups

The numerous activities of the Helmholtz Juniors are implemented by various working groups. The teams meet at the annual meetings. An overview of the groups and their fields of activity: 

Steering committee

Contact us

       Hanin Alkhamis

       Spokesperson Helmholtz Juniors

       Hereon - Teltow


       Peter Macsek

       Spokesperson Helmholtz Juniors

       DKFZ - Heidelberg


      Simon Göllner

      Treasurer Helmholtz Juniors

      Helmholtz Munich


We are proud to present the report we have prepared based on the results of the N²-Survey 2021 for Doctoral Researchers (DRs), aggregated for the whole Helmholtz Association.

The survey was conducted in a harmonized manner by the Helmholtz Juniors, the Max Planck PhD net, and the Leibniz PhD Network. The report provides insights into various aspects of doctoral life and highlights the key topics identified through the N²-Survey, such as supervision, working conditions, family, power abuse and mental health. In addition, we integrated queries addressing the COVID-19 response into the survey framework.

Check out the report here:

Download file

Hejus Flyer

PDF, 589 KB

Helmholtz-Promotionsleitlinien 2019

PDF, 327 KB

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