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Supporting EU access to Australian research programmes

Activity Code: INCO-2009-5.1
Coordinator: International Bureau of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) 


The overall objective of the proposed project is to increase S&T cooperation between the EU and Australia by identifying access opportunities for European researchers in Australian research capabilities and programmes.

The work plan of AUS-ACCESS4EU puts the objective of the FP 7 Capacitioes Work Programme "Supporting the EU access to third countries programmes (FP-INCO-2009-5) to help to develop the reciprocity aspects of the S&T agreement by identifying programmes open to EU researchers and promote their participation" into practise. It will enhance the information collection as regards programmes open for EU researchers as well as rules and obstacles for participation.

The close and continuous dialogue with Australian programme owners and the wide outreach of the project results to European stakeholders and policy makers and European scientists are two of the major success factors of the project.

The activities are grouped into 4 work packages (WP)

  • WP 1 "Inventory and Monitoring" aims to map the opportunities for European researchers and research institutes to access Australian programmes
  • The objectives of WP 2 "Awareness raising and profile building" are to raise the awareness of Australian institutions and programme owners and to promote the principle of reciprocity of research programmes
  • WP 3 "Information dissemination and outreach" aims to increase the European research community's awareness of opportunities to access Australian support and capability in order to stimulate, encourage and support the participation of European organisations in Australian programmes
  • WP 4 "Project coordination and management" will ensure that the project is managed effectively. 

Project Details:

Start Date: 01.10.2009
End Date: 30.09.2011
EU Contribution: 499,955 Euro
Total Costs: 597,132 Euro
Funding Scheme: Support actions
Administrative Contact Person: Thomas Reineke, Thomas.Reineke@dlr.de
Project Website:


  • International Bureau of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany
  • Australian National University, Australia
  • British Council, United Kingdom
  • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia