Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Platform (HMC)
Data are produced in huge quantities at the Helmholtz Association. This frequently involves unique data sets that take considerable time and effort to prepare.
For this to work optimally, researchers must be able to find the data reliably, regardless of when or from which location. We prepare our data in such a way that scientists from a wide range of disciplines can easily identify them.
Metadata are the central tool for this: They enrich research data with standardized and machine-readable information. In this way, study results can still be found years later, and third parties can also make good use of them.
This enormously important process is coordinated by the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC). The platform brings together scientific expertise on the topic of metadata in special hubs of the research fields. HMC provides information about suitable technical solutions, offers consultations and ensures uniform scientific standards for the use of metadata.
Nina Weisweiler
Manager Information and Data Science
Helmholtz Association