Helmholtz AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) comprise technologies that have begun to impact industry, science and society in an unprecedented way.
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Speech and image recognition are prominent examples of applications that have become reliable and commonplace over the past few years and that we find in devices we use every day.
Ever more AI/ML-based technologies are employed in industrial settings, they shape how services are provided and products are manufactured, and they open entirely new avenues for research. Their impact on everyday life will make AI and ML one of the major transformative forces in the 21st century.
The ambition of Helmholtz AI is to reach an internationally visible leadership position in applied AI/ML by combining unique research questions, data sets and expertise with newly developed AI/ML-based tools and democratized access to them in an open and dynamic community. After its launch in 2019, it is now ramping up operations to deploy its budget (€12m annually to be reached in 2021) across its core activities of research, joint action and outreach.
Helmholtz AI is a research-driven hub for applied AI that
- Fosters cross-field creativity by stimulating collaborative research projects
- Identifies and leverages similarities between applications to advance generalized AI/ML methods
- Integrates field-specific excellence and AI/ML prowess
- Improves the quality, scalability and timely availability of emerging methods and tools
- Empowers and trains the current and next generation of scientists to enable the efficient and agile development and implementation of AI/ML assets across the whole Helmholtz Association.
As one of the platforms (HIDA, HIFIS, Helmholtz Imaging, HMC und Helmholtz AI),) initiated by the Helmholtz Incubator Information and Data Science, teamwork and openness is hardwired into its approach.
To the Website: www.helmholtz.ai
Florian Grötsch
Manager Information and Data Science
Helmholtz Association