Exhibition dates: 7 March 2007 till 27 April 2007
Venue: Square in front of the Berlaymont Building, Headquarters of the European Commission
Venue: Square in front of the Berlaymont Building, Headquarters of the European Commission
Prof. Jürgen Mlynek mit Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung Dr. Annette Schavan und EU-Forschungskommissar Janez Potočnik zur Eröffnung in Brüssel
Aufbau der Brüsseler Ausstellung
Photo No 1 and 9: Building up the exhibition
Photos No 2 to 4: At the opening on March 7th 2007, the president of the Helmholtz Association, Prof. Jürgen Mlynek, showed the Federal Minister of Education and Research Dr. Annette Schavan and EU Commissioner Janez Poto?nik round the exhibition.