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Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science (MarDATA)

The “Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science” (MarDATA) is a graduate school, financed by the Helmholtz Association. It aims to define and educate a new type of “marine data scientists” by introducing and embedding researchers from computer sciences and mathematics into ocean sciences, covering a broad range from supercomputing and modelling, (bio)informatics, robotics, to statistics and big data methodologies. Researchers from the German leading institutes for marine research, GEOMAR and AWI, will jointly educate and supervise doctoral (PhD) candidates together with information & data science specialists from their partner universities in Kiel and Bremen. The broad education in joint block courses, international summer schools and colloquia will go beyond a single discipline towards genuine scientific insight into and a more systematic treatment of marine data.

MarDATAs mission is to define, educate and establish the profile of marine data scientists, by enabling early career researchers to apply their computer science  skills to multidisciplinary marine sciences and to support their doctoral research through a comprehensive training program.


  • The MarDATA curriculum is based on the actual needs of doctoral candidates and their scientific profiles

  • An integral part of the curriculum are the introductions to marine sciences, “lessons learned” formats to support the exchange between cohorts, scientific skills courses, network events and internal discussion rounds 

  • MarDATA Block Courses / Retreats: (half-)yearly thematic block courses and retreats provide the opportunity to cover particular scientific topics with more detail.

  • Doctoral researchers at MarDATA are members the associated graduate programs at GEOMAR (ISOS) and AWI (POLMAR) and accordingly have access to structural PhD support (Thesis Advisory Committee etc.) and a comprehensive curriculum of transferable skill courses

  • As a member of the (HIDA), MarDATA doctoral researchers have access to a series of attractive events, including hackathons, Career Days, symposia, and lectures, as well as research stays in Germany or abroad.

Research Network

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, the Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), the Kiel University (CAU), the University of Bremen and the Jacobs University Bremen

Funding and Duration of the Program

The program will run for 3 years and offers full funding. The remuneration during the term corresponds to the tariff level E13 of the TVöD.

Learn more: http://www.mardata.de/ 

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