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Leading your Group

This program is about experiencing and understanding leadership as success factor in science.

Participants will learn how to recruit, develop and lead their team successfully. In addition, they will examine the complexity of roles and responsibilities of a science leader and will develop strategies for building well-functioning teams. Participants will work on their personal strategy and get information for their own career development. Furthermore, participants will have space to discuss their challenges with peers, build their network and benefit from the wealth of experience within the whole group.

REQUIREMENTS: For early career researchers, who are in the process of setting up their first group and are under pressure to Iead their group to success fast whilst also establishing themselves and their research. Participants must receive their funding through the Helmholtz lnvestigator Group program or a comparable one, such as Emmy Noether program.

Structure: 4 camps (2.5 days each) and 3 online modules (2 hours each), program length: 10 months

Time investment: 14 days incl. preparation and assignments

Participants per program: max. 18

Language: English

Fees: 5,900 Euro for Helmholtz employees, 11,800 Euro for external participants


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