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Annual Report 2014

13 THIRD ROUND OF PROGRAMME-ORIENTED FUNDING For the third programme period, the review process was more clearly aligned with the association’s mission and adapted to current needs. An important point is the strict separation of the strategic programmes and the operation of large-scale research facilities that are used primarily by external scientists, including the photon and neutron sources for materials research and research vessels. Life-cycle analysis and user management play an important role in evaluations of these large-scale facilities, but other factors are considered as well, including their overall scientific concept, previous performance and technical equipment. The reviews proceed- ed in an extremely positive manner and provided a number of highly valuable insights for future use. Based on the results, the centres will receive adequate funding to operate the positively evaluated facilities. The funding levels take expected price increases into account. The most important question: Are we doing the right things – and are we doing them right? The reviews of the research topics in the individual pro- grammes focused on two questions: scientific quality and strategic relevance. The evaluation of scientific quality takes into account not only expertise and originality but also the innovative potential of new technologies and developments. The assessment of strategic relevance concentrates above all on the selection of topics, the coherent makeup and coordination of processes, content and expertise, as well as on programme management as a whole. In addition, programme evaluations consider the contributions made to the objectives of the Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation, including general collaborative culture and new models, particularly those with university partners. Other important issues are the contributions to training and supporting young scientists and to making findings available to industry and society. Finally, multidisci- plinary activities make it possible to combine and coordinate contributions to the research focuses that cut across programmes and often span the association’s research fields. These topics include big data, the bioeconomy, electric mobility and safety research. These multidiscipli- nary activities are of special importance to the Helmholtz Association because the major challenges of the future require comprehensive solutions and cannot be adequately tackled without inter- and transdisciplinary approaches. Within the framework of programme-oriented funding, the Helmholtz Association ­reviews the strategic scientific focus of its research and the related core funding at five-year intervals. Research activities are organised into strategic programmes that in most cases cut across centres and are reviewed by renowned experts from around the world. In 2013 experts evaluated the programmes in three of the association’s six research fields: Health, Earth and Environment, and Aeronautics, Space and Transport. This year reviews followed in the remaining three fields: ­Energy, Key Technologies and Structure of Matter.
